Clinical Evidence & Scientific Research for Neuromodulation Therapy

Medical Efficacy

The Science behind the Results

Explore the extensive clinical research underpinning neuromodulation techniques. A wealth of peer-reviewed scientific articles is easily accessible, with a continuous stream of new research papers emerging each year. These publications consistently reinforce the safety profiles of neuromodulation devices.


Our methodology relies on evidence-based practices designed to address precise cognitive functions linked to brain-affected diseases. Delve into the scientific literature on neuromodulation techniques with us.

Scientific Research

Choose Condition:

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Madhavan et al

Stroke Osvaldo et al

Fibromyalgia Cai et al

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Fallahi et al

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Chen et al

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Cheung et al

Insomnia Zhang et al

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Veldman et al

Chronic Pain Dai et al

Bipolar Disorder Ghazi-Noori et al

ADHD Vockel et al

Dementia Carrarini et al

Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Fong et al

Depression Cheung et al

Parkinson’s Disease Manganotti et al

Dementia Matt et al

Parkinsons Broeder et al

Parkinsons Broeder et al

Migraines Hervik et al

Migraines Hervik et al

Athletic Performance Zhang et al 2024

Athletic Performance Zhang-et-al-2024

Athletic Performance Veldema et al 2022

Athletic Performance Veldema-et-al-2022

Athletic Performance Shiravand et al 2024

Athletic Performance Shiravand-et-al-2024
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